Welcome Orediggers!

At Montana Tech, advising is an interactive and collaborative process between you and your advisor.

By working closely with your advisor and sharing your interests, skills, abilities, and goals, you will have the opportunity to build action plans that facilitate your progress toward your degree, make decisions about your education, and reach your personal, educational, and professional goals.

Meeting with your advisor every semester to check in, register for classes, and as needed for advice and direction is one key component to your academic success. As a college student, you are empowered to make informed choices regarding your academic and career goals. We encourage you to take ownership of your education!

Associate's Advising

See Highlands College advisors for 1-year and 2-year programs.

Bachelor's Advising

North Campus advisors assist students in planning for 4-year programs.

Student Resources
Academic Standing

Learn about standards for good standing, academic probation, and academic suspension.

Advising Expectations

See how often students are expected to meet with their advisor.


The Academic Center for Excellence connects students with tutors at Montana Tech.

Faculty Guide
Faculty Resources

See the expectations for professors in advising.

Find Advisees

See a step-by-step guide on finding your advisees.


See answers to frequently asked questions.


See best practices for student engagement.


See how to best serve your advisees.

Not sure who your advisor is?

Contact Enrollment Services! You can also find your advisor in OrediggerWeb.

Enrollment Services
Student Success Center